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Tell Your Story to Investors


Having a siloed approach to Product, Marketing, and Sales is a recipe for failure - and failure is not an option for the investor community. At Popcorn GTM, we specialize in creating a harmonious interplay among these crucial elements—forming the very foundation upon which successful businesses are built. Articulate your operating model, revenue potential, and value proposition to investors.

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Popcorn Agent 3-1We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Our product GTM strategies are meticulously crafted to identify and solve customer pain points in the restaurant and hospitality sectors. From market research and feature development to post-launch reviews, our playbooks offer actionable insights for a winning product strategy.

Popcorn Agent 8Marketing isn't just about flashy campaigns; it's about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. Our Marketing GTM Playbooks guide you through market segmentation, competitive positioning, brand storytelling, and more, allowing you to captivate your target audience.

Popcorn Agent 2-1Your sales team is the frontline of your business, and they deserve a well-crafted strategy. Our Sales GTM Playbooks include everything from customized sales funnels and CRM system optimization to talent management and customer retention. Equip your sales force with the tools they need to succeed.

Maximized Returns on Investment (ROI)

We don't just aim for short-term wins; our efforts are designed for long-lasting impact. With Popcorn, you’re investing in a comprehensive, data-driven approach aimed at boosting ROI and ensuring sustainable growth.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Everyone is fighting for a piece of the market, so standing out is not optional—it's essential. We arm you with the strategies and insights needed to outshine competitors and establish a dominant market position.

The Popcorn Difference: Strategy, Not Just Tactics

Choosing Popcorn for your GTM needs means you’re not just ticking off tasks; you're investing in a well-thought-out, comprehensive strategy designed to transform your market presence and business performance. We focus on what truly matters, driving results that make a real difference.

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Product GTM

Streamline your path to market success in the restaurant and hospitality sectors. From pinpointing customer pain points for feature development to post-launch reviews, we offer actionable strategies to outperform competitors and maximize ROI.

Marketing GTM

Roadmap your marketing efforts for success. From data-driven market segmentation and in-depth competitive analysis to creative brand storytelling and hyped event activation, we cover all bases so your positioning drives to your unique value.

Sales GTM

Your blueprint for achieving sales team excellence. From a customized sales process, accurate revenue targeting, and tech stack optimization to team structure, training and customer retention, we deliver actionable strategies. 

Attract Investors

Product, Marketing, and Sales—the triad critical to business success. Attract investors in the hospitality technology sector. Clearly articulate your operating model, revenue potential, and value proposition to the VC community as an exciting investment opportunity.