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Suiting Up with CRM: Unleashing the Power of Your Own JARVIS in Sales

popcorn gtm crm hud

Excelsior, fellow adventurers! It may sound a tad cringey at first, but please hang in there while I channel my inner Stan Lee and talk CRM. 

Over the holidays, while binge-watching the Iron Man saga on Disney+ with my kids, a realization struck me. Our CRM systems are much like Marvel’s JARVIS, (the integrated AI that is the OS for Iron Man’s suit). When Tony Stark suits up, it’s not just armor he’s putting on, but a connected mobile data platform that enhances his decision-making ability with superhuman speed, agility and insight.

For the uninitiated, JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) is a fictional AI from Marvel Comics, featured prominently in the Iron Man series. Initially Tony Stark's AI system for managing personal and business affairs, JARVIS evolves into a complex character with serious capabilities, and it got me thinking about how the best salespeople have their own JARVIS, too, in the form of their CRM system:

  • Personal Assistant: JARVIS begins as a highly advanced AI assistant, managing schedules and providing witty banter, akin to an advanced version of Siri or Alexa.
  • Operational Control: JARVIS has control over Stark's various systems and suits, managing everything from environmental controls to the Iron Man suits.
  • Data Analysis and Decision Support: JARVIS processes vast data, aiding in complex analyses and strategic recommendations, crucial in battle scenarios for real-time decision-making.
  • Autonomous Functioning: Beyond assistance, JARVIS operates autonomously, managing security systems, machinery, and even controlling Iron Man suits independently when needed.
  • Learning and Adaptation: As an AI, JARVIS  learns from interactions, adapts to new scenarios, and continuously enhances its functions.

tonys hudJARVIS epitomizes the pinnacle of AI, integrating personal assistance, data management, operational control, and autonomous functioning into a highly intelligent system. While fictional, JARVIS embodies the aspirations of real-world AI and machine learning. 

With this in mind, let's talk about  the possibilities of modern Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. ImagineTony Stark stepping into his high-tech armor. As the suit comes to life, the JARVIS Heads-Up-Display (HUD) flickers on, revealing a wealth of information and acts as the eyes, ears, and brain for Tony’s plan of action.

The HUD:A full view of the Customer's World

Imagine the HUD as the sleek user interface of a modern CRM system. Just as Iron Man views vital stats, environmental data, and system statuses, a salesperson sees customer histories, preferences, recent interactions, and opportunities. Each data point is a beacon, illuminating crucial aspects of the customer's journey.

  • Vital Stats - Customer Health Score: Tony's HUD displays suit integrity and power levels. In CRM, this reflects customer health scores, indicating engagement, satisfaction, and churn risk.
  • Environmental Data - Market Insights: Tony's suit provides real-time environmental data. Similarly, CRM offers market insights, affecting customer behavior predictions.
  • System Statuses - Sales Pipeline: The HUD signals system needs. A quality CRM shows the sales pipeline's health, identifying areas for attention.
JARVIS in the Ears: Data-Driven Insights

JARVIS is more than a voice in Tony's ear, the system offers wisdom based on vast data analysis. This mirrors AI and machine learning in CRM systems, guiding sales reps with predictive analytics, automated reminders, and next-step suggestions. 

Team Collaboration: The Avengers Assemble

Utilizing CRM applications can lead to a sales increase of up to 29%, a boost in sales team productivity by up to 34%, and a 42% improvement in sales forecast accuracy. (Source: Salesforce) Iron Man's strength lies in his ability to collaborate with the Avenger team. Modern CRM systems similarly enhance team collaboration, serving as a centralized platform where sales, marketing, and customer service teams unite, ensuring everyone moves towards a common goal with a shared understanding of the customer's journey.

HUD 2Comparing Your CRM system to Iron Man's HUD
  • Contact Information vs. Target Status: Tony's HUD identifies targets. Your CRM provides detailed customer views.
  • Historical Data vs. Battle Logs: Iron Man's suit records battle data. Your CRM tracks all customer interactions, offering a deep dive into their historical journey.
  • Predictive Analytics vs. Threat Assessment: JARVIS forecasts threats. Your CRM anticipates customer needs and opportunities using predictive analytics.
  • Real-Time Alerts vs. Incoming Threats: Tony's HUD warns of immediate dangers. Your CRM alerts to urgent customer issues, appointments, or tasks.
Embracing Your CRM Superpowers

As Tony Stark becomes Iron Man with his suit and HUD, so does a salesperson become empowered with their CRM. The data isn't just information; it's insight, history, and the future of customer relationships. It's about seeing the person behind the sales target. Your CRM enables you, as a salesperson, to anticipate, strategize, and personalize interactions, powered by a system as intelligent as JARVIS and a team as united as the Avengers. So, power on your CRM, and let the data and your team guide you to new heights. Remember, in the world of sales, knowledge isn't just power; it's your superpower, with collaboration as its key catalyst!

If you need help with your CRM, reach out or subscribe.  I’m happy to provide some tips and tricks.